What's Going On In There? (Part 2)
If Rummy, Dick, and George had a Pink Floyd song rattling around in their heads, which song would each of them have? Hover your mouse over a politician to see and hear what's going on in there...
Left of Center (Turner) and Center of Center (Phelps) are screenwriters with satirical views on random headlines of the day. As one conservative Republican puts it: "..to me, it's not funny." and "...I think it is a bad reflection overall and frankly doesn't make me guffaw."
If Rummy, Dick, and George had a Pink Floyd song rattling around in their heads, which song would each of them have? Hover your mouse over a politician to see and hear what's going on in there...
ATHENS, Greece (AP) - Three miles from the finish, the marathon leader was grabbed by a defrocked Irish priest wearing a red kilt, green beret and matching
knee-high socks.
The Bush Administration today announced a new war on poverty. “Our first plan was to invade Poverty, remove its dictator from power, abuse some of the poor in a make-shift prison, expose Poverty’s ties to terror and then leave Poverty devoid of electricity and civil government,” the President said. “But then Condi explained that Poverty is not a place, which is confusing, I mean how can you declare war on a concept like Poverty? It’s just a case of me being totally unfamiliar with Poverty, which I think is understandable.”
Caution (MPAA RATING: R): Strong language in this blog.
LOS ANGELES (AP) - Blood-and-guts director Quentin Tarantino may be going soft. The "Kill Bill" and "Pulp Fiction" director will make a cameo appearance in a new ABC-TV movie featuring the Muppets and based on the classic tale "The Wizard of Oz," ABC announced Thursday.Kermit the Frog is going to play the Scarecrow, and Fozzie Bear will be the cowardly lion...
DOROTHYDorothy steps up to a tree and plucks a kiwi from a branch.
I'm hungry, Scarecrow.
Me too. Maybe we should eat some
of that fuzzy fruit?
TARANTREENOThe tree comes to life and towers over the hapless travelers.
OUCH! Jesus Christ!
Tarantreeno swings a branch and crushes one of Scarecrow's legs. Scarecrow falls to the yellow brick road, grasping his pulped appendage, trying to stuff straw, bone and sinew back into the skin.TARANTREENO
What the fuck do you think you're
Oh, my! You're a-- you're a talking
No shit, Sherlock. I'm also a tree
who is fucking very pissed off right
now. Is there a fucking sign around
my trunk that says, "Yank my balls?"
SCARECROWTarantreeno swings a branch and crushes Scarecrow's other leg.
AHHH, my leg! My beautiful, juicy scarecrow
frog's leg!
Scarecrow! Oh, my!
I said, is there a fucking sign around my
trunk that says, "Yank my balls?"
SCARECROWDorothy grabs Scarecrow, writhing in his own excrement, and drags him away down the yellow brick road.
AHHH, my other leg!
Say "what" one more time, mother
I'm sorry, I don't know what you
Your perception of your rights and
liberties in Oz is skewed.
This is a forest in the land of OZ,
And in the land of OZ, everything
is alive, right?
Most everything?
Mother fucking right, most everything,
bitch. So if everything is alive and
has the same rights and liberties of
people, then when you go pulling fruit
off trees without asking, it's the same
as grabbing a big fistfull of my scrotum
and yanking my balls! How about we grab
your tits and play a little tug of war?
No, no. That would be terrible!
You're fucking right that would be
terrible. Now give me back my ball
fruit and get the fuck out of my
The White House has announced plans to ship the creation of new falsehoods overseas. According to Vice President and genetically-altered super-troll Dick Cheney, the media’s demand for new lies has outgrown the administration's supply capabilities. “We’re just running out of believable deceits,” Cheney quipped, “and it’s time to give some new talent a try.”
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California will allow voting at electronic voting machines in November at all but four counties, after an improvement in security measures, the state's top election official said on Tuesday.
Miles beneath San Francisco, in his Fortress of Magma, Dark Lord Cheney sits on his mahogany and basalt throne, petting his horned iguana, Rummy, and chuckles to himself.
"Excellent," his voice rumbles through the sulfurous fumes, "the pieces are all falling into place, just as I planned. Soon every state will be using electronic voting machines, and my minions at the Halliburton Electronic Legislation Ligation offices will make good use of the results. Mwah ha ha!"
Here are some 404 errors I’d like to see:
CHICAGO (AP) - The state of Illinois sued the Dave Matthews Band on Tuesday for allegedly dumping up to 800 pounds of liquid human waste from a bus into the Chicago River, dousing a tour boat filled with passengers.
According to the lawsuit, on Aug. 8 a bus leased by the band was heading to a downtown hotel where members were staying. As the bus crossed the Kinzie Street bridge, the driver allegedly emptied the contents of the septic tank through the bridge's metal grating into the river below. More than 100 people on an architecture tour were showered with foul-smelling waste. The attorney general's office said no one was seriously injured.
My fellow Americans, neo-con sock puppets and inarticulate monkeys:
The God of Thunder (apropros for the Athens games) is hot under the collar about what's considered a sport these days, and what the women athletes are choosing NOT to wear.
"...there's no secret Dr. No or Mr. Big or anybody like that out in the Venezuelan jungle, or Captain Nemo aboard the Nautilus," said Charles Hill, a former British Scotland Yard detective who helped recover "The Scream" in 1994.Hmmm... Brilliant insight, and yet we still can't rule out Goldfinger or Professor Moriarty. Damn you evil geniuses, always a step ahead.
Chris Wlezien, a political scientist based at Nuffield College at the University of Oxford in Britain, is predicting Bush will win 52.5 percent of the vote in a model that combines income growth with presidential approval ratings.
Four years ago, Wlezien forecast that then-Vice President Al Gore would win with
54.5 percent of the vote. In fact, he took 50.5 percent and lost the
state-by-state Electoral College vote after the Supreme Court settled a bitter
dispute over the outcome of the vote in Florida.
"We do not consider any type of voter preference on foreign policy and we are
not accounting for noneconomic issues. To the extent they are more important,
they could make a difference."
Bob Dole, America's poster boy for flaccidity, has joined the cause of the Swift Boat Veterans Who Hate America:
"I mean, one day he's saying that we were shooting civilians, cutting off theirI guess when you're a senile old goat, 35 years can seem like a single day. We know Dole's arm is limp from his heroic service in WWII, his penis is limp sans Viagra thanks to years of kissing Reagan's ass and his Presidential campaign was limp from day one. Has his brain gone numb, too?
ears, cutting off their heads, throwing away his medals or his ribbons,'' Mr.
Dole said. "The next day he's standing there, 'I want to be president because
I'm a Vietnam veteran.' ''
"John Kerry's a hero," Mr. Dole told Wolf Blitzer. "But what I will alwaysSo Kerry's a war hero with three purple hearts and the compassion to question our involvement in Vietnam in the hopes of bringing more Americans home alive. You're right, he's unfit to be President.
quarrel about are the Purple Hearts. I mean, the first one, whether he ought to
have a Purple Heart - he got two in one day, I think. And he was out of there in
less than four months, because three Purple Hearts and you're
Mr. Kerry did not receive two Purple Hearts for events of the
same day. He received them for the events of Dec. 2, 1968, Feb. 20, 1969, and
March 13, 1969. Mr. Kerry often acknowledges that his wounds were not severe,
but he still has shrapnel in his left thigh from the firefight that led to his
second Purple Heart.
So, after all my whining about Google Ads, Larry and Sergey have pulled them. All you have is a search bar at the top of TurnerPhelps.
Searches in the navigation bar take users to a results page on the Google site,Or could it be the context ads just don't work?
where AdWords ads are served to the right of the organic search results.
According to the Blogger site, the goal was to improve access to key
Blogger features: "The Blogger navbar replaces the default ad block formerly
inserted on blogspot.com pages with a more useful navigation tool."
Let's not forget that the courts are at stake in the election, not just who can tell the most lies about John Kerry's war record. If you vote for Bush, you obviously hate America. You also hate separation of church and state, education, a woman's right to choose, and of course science. A vote for Bush means you hate science, you unpatriotic America-hater.
On his web site Secondary Wars and Atrocities of the 20th Century. Michael White notes that Saddam Hussein killed 300,000 Iraqis from 1979 to 2003 (24 years).
Aug. 22 (AP) - Full House actor John Stamos has filed for divorce from X-Men actress (and Victoria's Secret Model) Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.
So if you haven't seen (and since the feds shut down our TurnerPhelps web cam, you probably haven't seen), I'm wearing a very colorful shirt today. Yep, I'm a snappy dresser. Here are some of the comments I've rec'd:
Variety reports today that Dan McDermott has signed a mid-against high-six figure deal (e.g., maybe $500k to turn in a script, another $400k if it gets made) with 20th Century Fox to write "Hong Kong Heist," about rival gangs drafted by a triad leader to steal three rare gems.
Project, to be overseen by Fox's Robbie Brenner and Hutch Parker, marks theSo, this McDermott fella' is very experienced ("In Living Color," "The Simpsons" and "Melrose Place, and he was even the DreamWorks prexy for a time). But $750k for a script that has "a shot at getting made?"
fourth feature script deal for McDermott since he traded the prexy post at
DreamWorks TV for a typewriter. He got off to a flying start, landing $750,000
against $1.1 million from Fox 2000 for "Selling Time," a drama about a man who
trades years of his life to go back and fix the worst day of his life. Interest
from Will Smith gives that project a shot at getting made.
What are the real issues and the real reasons the Swift Boat Veterans Who Hate America have told their big fat lies. We have an unelected president who will stop at nothing to distract us from his own pathetic record.
MATTHEWS: Let's talk about what's really going on right now in this country. We have people fighting in Iraq right now. We‘re going to lose by election day, based upon the way we're going, a thousand people will be killed over there. 6,500, a lot of amputees, a lot of really serious woundeds from which they won't come back from. They aren't just knicks. Why aren't we talking about that?
CLELAND: Because it is funded with his Republican cronies out of Texas. This kind of swift boat ad, which puts Vietnam veteran against Vietnam veterans. We ought to be talking about those kids that are losing arms and legs and eyes and full of shrapnel that are coming back from Iraq due to this president's failed policies and lack of strategy to win, or strategy to get out.
Sports Illustrated reports that the Iraqi soccer team is upset by Bush's political ads. If you haven't seen the ads, Bush mistakenly implies that he's helped Iraq in some fashion by killing 12,000 innocents. It's not his fault, he's a simple little monkey trying to lead the free world.
Brilliant and famously liberal film composer ("Ten Commandments" "The Magnificent Seven" "Thoroughly Modern Millie" "Walk on the Wild Side") Elmer Bernstein died yesterday at age 82. He'll no doubt report to his spot on the Left side of God right after a quick trip to Hell to kick Senator McCarthy in the balls.
If you think the Chinese have a lock on this synchronized diving, check out Larry and Sergey as Google's opener dove from their predicted $135 to $85. Hey, I'm unclear about something. Does the "don't be evil," clause apply to unrealistically hyping your own IPO?
I proclaim the section of Garden of the Gods road west of Centennial heretofore be referred to as Geek Corridor.
“There’s this nasty rumor going around that corporate won’t let us use JavaBeans. Don’t they know component architecture is critical for the dynamicIt was a laugh riot.
loading of objects? “
No Child Left Behind (Except Yours)
In virtually all instances, the charter students did worse than their
counterparts in regular public schools.
Charters are expected to grow exponentially under the new federal education law,OK, low scores, but this is nothing to be dismayed about, is it?
No Child Left Behind, which holds out conversion to charter schools as one
solution for chronically failing traditional schools.
"The scores are low, dismayingly low," said Chester E. Finn Jr., a supporter ofWhat do the Bushies plan to do about this? Close public schools to make more charters, naturally.
charters and president of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, who was among those who asked the administration to do the comparison.
Of the nation's 88,000 public schools, 3,000 are charters, educating more than
600,000 students. But their ranks are expected to grow as No Child Left Behind
identifies thousands of schools for possible closing because of poor test
What could this book be about? Is it a political thriller, a memoir, a manifesto for elbow-room world domination, a cook book for duck, a collection of love sonnets?
So I ran across this blog today, by a girl in Texas who really loves her vehicle. Of course, depending on how you read it, it could be a girl's affection for her Honda, or a necrophiliac's obsession with a body he robbed from a grave and has kept stuffed with potpourri for the past six years.
(AP) In Austin, TX, today a panel of religious experts weighed a question with relevance to many people of faith: How would Jesus vote?I've got the answer for you, and I'm not even a theologian: He wouldn't vote. First off, you need a mailing address to be a registered voter, and "walkin' from one place to another spreadin' the Word" doesn't count. Second, when the registrar asks Him if He's a citizen, He'd probably say something profoundly vague like, "Verily, my kingdom is not of this world."
...Author James C. Moore offered his view to the crowd of clergy and lay leaders at the conference: "If ever there were a bleeding-heart liberal, it was Jesus Christ. I think the carpenter from Galilee was the original Democrat."
So one of my best and oldest friends has released a new solo CD. You can check it out at his web site.
Evil Republicans will stop at nothing, including lying about the record of a confirmed war hero. Pathetic.
Life was so simple before the Google IPO.
That's right. Esquire magazine, America's paragon of journalistic integrity, has named Andre 3000, half of the Grammy award-winning hip-rap duo Outkast, the World's best-dressed man.
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) - A dispute over clothes and (an XBox) video game system between a young woman and a squatter in her grandparents' house apparently sparked the vicious beating and stabbing murders of six people whose bodies were found late last week in a blood-spattered home, police said.
An anonymous spokesperson for XBox assured a nervous community that the slayings had absolutley nothing to do with the release of the new game, "Beat 'Em to Death with Aluminum Baseball Bats, 4."
The squatters warned (the victim) that "they were going to come back there and beat her with a baseball bat when she was sleeping," police said.
All four suspects were armed with aluminum bats when they kicked in the locked front door, according to arrest records. The group wore black clothes and had scarves on their faces...
The Bush Administration and the office of Parks and Wildlife announced this week that it was keeping a particularly watchful eye on a French girl in New York City who has been a long time resident of the metropolis.
"Give me your tired, your poor,
your huddled masses yearning
to breathe free"
WASHINGTON (AP) - Bush is ready to create the position of national intelligence director, but some lawmakers wonder whether what he's proposed will have enough power to get the nation's 15 sometimes turf-conscious spy agencies working in concert.
I really want Madonna to get back on stage and act some more. So I had an idea last week... what if she were to do her own version of "The Vagina Monologues" off Broadway?
PS - Thanks, Mr. DietCoke, for not unleashing the FREEPERs on us.
For the uninitiated, those are the subscribed Free Republic members who have nothing better to do than read "Free Republic" and tear
apart anybody who disagrees with them. I think Dick Cheney is a charter