Move Over Chester Cheetah...
FritoLay has a new spokesman to hawk their wares.

Left of Center (Turner) and Center of Center (Phelps) are screenwriters with satirical views on random headlines of the day. As one conservative Republican puts it: " me, it's not funny." and "...I think it is a bad reflection overall and frankly doesn't make me guffaw."
It may look like chips but it sure sounds like Mexcan food. Everthing ends in "o's"! Have ya tried him out on some cajun pork rinds? I bet he'd squeel!!
Just don't say they're pork. Call them "Spicy Corn Whompers" or maybe "Cajun Tikriti Chips" and watch him gobble them up. It appears he likes the powdery flavorings of Cheetos and Doritos, so he'd probably prefer the rinds coated in spicy cayenne.
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