Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Iran: Voldemort not a Murderer
JK Rowling fans throughout the West raised an uproar this week after a conference on the existence of dark wizards held in Tehran, Iran, claimed that Lord Voldemort did not murder James and Lily Potter. According to presenters at the conference, the much-maligned Voldemort is the victim "of rampant historical revisionism on the part of Harry Potter and his cronies." And that the world's acceptance of this "myth" would allow Potter and his alleged "good" wizards to unfairly dominate dark wizards all around the world.

David Duke, a grand wizard himself and a presenter at the conference, asserted that Lord Voldemort was little more than a face on the back of a mediocre wizard's head, and couldn't have murdered the Potters because he didn't have hands necessary to use a wand.
Bush's State of the Union Word Counts
NYT has a great page that lists word counts for all of the inarticulate first monkey's state of the union addresses.
Want proof that the Republican party has been hijacked by people with no ideas, no solutions, only fear, uncertainty and doubt? Try these counts:
Terror: 145 mentions
Iraq/Iraqis: 124
Compared with real threats:
North Korea: 8
Deficit: 10
Climate Change: 1
New Orleans: 2
New Orleans had two mentions? Please join me and NEVER vote Republican again. It's time for real thinkers to leave the party and start a new one that isn't mired in the personal agenda of the religious and radical right who obviously don't care about their fellow Americans.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Progressive Talking Points: Universal Healthcare
Microwave Sterilization
The University of Florida is releasing the following informational document after news reports about a study that found microwave ovens can be used to sterilize kitchen sponges sent people scurrying to test the idea this week -- with sometimes disastrous results.

What NOT to Sterilize in Your Microwave Oven
A University of Florida Public Information Document
(Go Gators!)
- Dry kitchen sponges. (Kitchen sponges should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Grandma's dentures.
- Kitchen knives. (Or any knives, unless they are made out of microwave safe material.)
- Dogs. (Dog sterilization should be left in the hands of a competent vet.)
- Cats. (Cats should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Kerosene lamps.
- Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy (Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Cellular phones.
- Grandma's soiled diaper.
- Pamela Anderson's implants. (Implants should be wet -- and glistening -- before sterilizing in the microwave.)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
If I Did It
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Your Tax Dollars at Play
NYT has a great piece by David Leonhardt titled What $1.2 Trillion Can Buy. You read that right -- the current estimates of the price tag for Iraq are now $1.2 trillion. Here's what Leonhardt says we could've spent it on instead of getting Bush re-elected so that his cronies can make even more money through Halliburple and sweet, sweet oil.
For starters, $1.2 trillion would pay for an unprecedented public health campaign — a doubling of cancer research funding, treatment for every American whose diabetes or heart disease is now going unmanaged and a global immunization campaign to save millions of children’s lives.
Combined, the cost of running those programs for a decade wouldn’t use up even half our money pot. So we could then turn to poverty and education, starting with universal preschool for every 3- and 4-year-old child across the country. The city of New Orleans could also receive a huge increase in reconstruction funds.
The final big chunk of the money could go to national security. The recommendations of the 9/11 Commission that have not been put in place — better baggage and cargo screening, stronger measures against nuclear proliferation — could be enacted. Financing for the war in Afghanistan could be increased to beat back the Taliban’s recent gains, and a peacekeeping force could put a stop to the genocide in Darfur.
And, TGOT, don't event think about posting a "freedom costs" comment -- I feel 10 times less safe with Bush's policies than I ever did, and wiretapping and torture doesn't make me more free.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Is Fox's "24" Another Tool to Keep Us In Fear?
Did anyone catch Keith (the Anti-O'Reilly) Olbermann last night? He floated the idea that the Fox drama 24 is really just another effort by the neo-con puppets at Fox to keep us in fear.
As much as I love Olbermann -- he's typically the sanest voice in the media next to Jon Stewart -- I'm not sure this is true. It pains me to defend Fox, but haven't the Repubs figured out by now that America is on to the whole code-orange alert thing? I think that having plots about terror in America is simply, and unfortunately, a very relevant story line for our times. It isn't any more of a conspiracy than Will and Grace, or The Brady Bunch, or my personal favorite, Lidsville. Then again, all three of those shows promoted gay drug culture, didn't they?
Olbermann had filmmaker Robert Greenwald (Outfoxed) on and that was a hoot. Greenwald called it "propaganda," and "a neo-con sex fantasy." Gotta' love us lefties even when we get it wrong. We're a lot more fun than conservatives.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Barack Obama Makes is Official
It's official today, Barack Obama has thrown his hat into the ring, formally announcing his run for the presidency in 2008. It's kind of like the Beatles arriving in 1964, isn't it? Politics aside, the worst part about having Bush as a president in my opinion was the fact that by touting his faith he made millions of Americans believe that Christianity was synonymous with greed and warfare. Well maybe not the worst. Maybe lying about WMDs was the worst. No wait, maybe needlessly killing and maiming thousands of people in an unnecessary war was the worst. No, I think spying on your own citizens... well, who knows. Bush is the worst president in the history of our great country.
When Obama is our president, it will be nice to see a man of faith truly living the progressive values of Christianity, love, hope and charity.
Monday, January 15, 2007
New Years Resolutions
George Bush New Years Resolutions
1. Get new friends
2. Learn to read
3. Speak a language good-like
4. Start drinking again -- blame it on uncooperative Democrats
5. Screw up the Iraq war even more than I already have
6. Invade Iran and bring on the end of times
Dick Cheney New Years Resolutions
1. Eat fewer kittens (they’re so fattening)
2. Clean and organize secret location
3. When hunting with old lawyer friends, really finish ‘em off, don’t just scar up their face
4. Use more gasoline
5. Destroy the Constitution
Republican Congressional Leadership up for Re-election in 2008 New Years Resolutions
1. Distance ourselves from Bush
2. Show how we’re different from Bush
3. No really, we're really, really different from Bush
4. Be independent thinkers – we’re no George Bush
5. Break from the pack – Bush is acting alone
6. Distance ourselves from Bush
Hillary Clinton New Years Resolutions
1. Change name to Hillary Rodham-Obama
2. Create a committee to uncover the top ten reasons why people don’t like me and then assign another exploratory committee to plan ways to implement the top three ideas without offending anyone in Ohio
3. Distance myself from Bush
Rudy Giuliani New Years Resolutions
1. Downplay my outrageous playboy lifestyle for conservative wackos
2. Find new ways to relate to those country bumpkins outside of Manhattan – maybe watch Newhart reruns before the New Hampshire primary
3. Start looking for a new, younger wife
4. Play up my accidental heroism, play down my long and checkered law career
5. Distance myself from Bush
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Why is Turner Drawing Cartoons?
I know, it's a little like Phelps playing the piano in a seedy downtown bar. I don't claim to be a good cartoonist, or even all that funny, but my three-year-old is starting to doodle and so I draw with him in the evenings. It's kind of therapeutic, because I have no preconceptions about being any good whatsoever. And since I took the time to draw them, I figured I'd inflict them on all seven of you loyal TP readers.
My apologies to my two fave artists, Phelps and Dennis Culver.
And why are all the drawings called "Jaded Sailor?" Because I went to a random name generator and that's what it spit out.