Microwave Sterilization
The University of Florida is releasing the following informational document after news reports about a study that found microwave ovens can be used to sterilize kitchen sponges sent people scurrying to test the idea this week -- with sometimes disastrous results.

What NOT to Sterilize in Your Microwave Oven
A University of Florida Public Information Document
(Go Gators!)
- Dry kitchen sponges. (Kitchen sponges should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Grandma's dentures.
- Kitchen knives. (Or any knives, unless they are made out of microwave safe material.)
- Dogs. (Dog sterilization should be left in the hands of a competent vet.)
- Cats. (Cats should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Kerosene lamps.
- Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy (Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
- Cellular phones.
- Grandma's soiled diaper.
- Pamela Anderson's implants. (Implants should be wet -- and glistening -- before sterilizing in the microwave.)
Oops. We totally do that. Sponges, not dentures.
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