Thursday, January 25, 2007

Microwave Sterilization

The University of Florida is releasing the following informational document after news reports about a study that found microwave ovens can be used to sterilize kitchen sponges sent people scurrying to test the idea this week -- with sometimes disastrous results.

What NOT to Sterilize in Your Microwave Oven
A University of Florida Public Information Document
(Go Gators!)

  1. Dry kitchen sponges. (Kitchen sponges should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
  2. Grandma's dentures.
  3. Kitchen knives. (Or any knives, unless they are made out of microwave safe material.)
  4. Dogs. (Dog sterilization should be left in the hands of a competent vet.)
  5. Cats. (Cats should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
  6. Kerosene lamps.
  7. Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy (Jeb Bush's Exploratory Committee for a 2008 presidential candidacy should be wet before sterilizing in the microwave.)
  8. Cellular phones.
  9. Grandma's soiled diaper.
  10. Pamela Anderson's implants. (Implants should be wet -- and glistening -- before sterilizing in the microwave.)


Blogger Turner said...

Oops. We totally do that. Sponges, not dentures.

11:32 AM  

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