Tuesday, March 28, 2006

The Queen Shall Be Crowned

Yes, yes, big news about the artist who sculpted Britney Spears, nude on a bear skin rug, giving birth doggie style. Big news.

REAL big news would be if American news organizations had the BALLS to show the entire statue. Every article mentions the fact that the baby is crowning (i.e. the head is beginning to squeeze out), but none of them will show it. Come on, lame-o news orgs, it's art for crying out loud. Get off your Puritan high horse and show us the entire statue. You really put the "media" in mediocre.

Well, we at Turner/Phelps aren't afraid of the religious right and their threatened internment camps for those of us willing to stand up to them by sending our faithful intern, Mitch, into the gallery with his camera phone. Behold America:

(Not as flattering as the rest of the statue.) My only real complaint with the artist is that he gave her such a peaceful look of calm purposefulness, as she gently grasps the bear's head. WAY too peaceful. Anyone who's known anyone who's had a baby knows that she should be looking like she's doing what she's doing: passing a ten-pound bowling ball through her vagina.


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