Hunting Party, Anyone?

MWBRM seeks adventuresome partner who's not afraid to take one for the team. Must love quail, unilateralism, long strolls in the woods, camping in camouflage, and hunting "the ultimate prey."
If you dream of world domination like me, kicking a guy when he's down, telling senators from across the aisle to go f*~k themselves, sucking up to big energy companies, smirking for no reason, and dropping bombs on middle eastern children while expanding the definitions of uber-cronyism, then call me now at 1-800-pure-evil, code: dickveep.
Married White something something Male?
Dickveep? That's it, keep on dancing around the topic, you sick twisted man! I know you - I've seen you in the Y, with your ever so tight shorts letting me know your religous persuasion, and your sweaty head bobbing up and down while riding the stationary bikes leering at the Fox babe... and I'm not talking about Nick Cavuto! Your new nickname is Ennis!
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