A Show "for Us"

When I first started watching it, I thought, "Here we go again, another lame animated series by the talentless hacks that brought us The Family Guy." Much to my surprise, midway through the show I found myself laughing outloud at the little gags:
- Roger, the E.T. who lives with the family a-la Alf, sounds suspiciously like the late great Paul Lynde (Uncle Arthur on Bewitched).
- George Bush gets a phonecall from God, asking the Presidnet not to keep mentioning their relationship. The conversation is interrrupted when God's call-waiting chimes in, and God says it's Dick Cheney and he has to take it. When he dismisses the President and switches to the other call, God says, "yes, sir?"
- They have a goldfish with the brain of a German (Steve, the lead character, had the fish's brain switched with a German olympic skier, to keep America from losing a medal), and the German/fish has the hots for the family's mother (nuzzling her bossom and glancing up her dress whenever he gets the chance).
- When Steve (the psycho CIA agent father) hears a noise in the middle of the night, he grabs his gun and sneaks downstairs, then whispers, "Osama? Is that you?"
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