Monday, January 17, 2005

Minnesota Town Lowers Temps to Celebrate MLK Day

Across the country and throughout the world, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was observed in many ways. Here are a few examples.

Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco will pardon a woman who was arrested while trying to integrate a public swimming pool in 1963, to celebrate MLK Day.

In Iraq, a Catholic Arch-Bishop was kidnapped by insurgent MLK Day observers (a fitting hostage, as King was a Baptist).

And in Minnesota, the people of the small town of Embarrass (pop. 659) all opened their refigerators at the same time, effectively lowering the town's temperature to a crisp 54 degrees below zero. This act was performed in memory of MLK's visit to the burg in the summer 1954, on a day that they had a freak snowstorm.


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