Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McCain Nicknames

I find it frightening to discuss Republican politicians and so I like to use silly nicknames instead of their real names. It helps keep images of mushroom clouds and five-dollar gallons of gas out of my nightmares. For example, I like to call Rudy Giuliani "Ru-Giu" because it calls to mind his habit of cross-dressing on national television. I prefer to call Dick Cheney "that creepy troll," although lower-case "dick," works, too. But, I'm having trouble coming up with a nickname that I want to use for John McCain. I thought I'd ask all seven readers of TurnerPhelps to help out.

Here are the one's I'm considering.

McSame or McBush: because it would be like the next four years of the current administration.

McCane, McLame or McMusil: because he's 127 years old.

McDrain: because a McCain administration would put the final stake in the heart of your childrens' hopes for the future.

McChurian: because he's already lied about his time as a POW, what else is he lying about?

McTaint, McCaca or McPoop: because I have the mind of a nine-year-old and I always laugh at the word "taint."

McStain: because he built his post-Keating scandal reputation on campaign finance reform and then hired lobbyists to work for his campaign.

McHuffy, McCrazy: because of his infamous temper.


Blogger Phelps said...

As in Jerry Mathers. You know, The Beave.
They have that same jowly pout and slight overbite that implies a tough, straight-shooter by day and thumbsucking bed-wetter by night.

10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Anonymous, you are witty and incorrigible.


9:26 AM  

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