Reagan Meeting with Tariq Aziz
I wouldn’t want to denigrate anyone, so I have to say, I’m 100% positive that there is nothing sinister going on here.

In fact, here’s how I imagine the actual transcript reads:
Ronald Reagan: Tariq got his freak on?
Tariq Aziz: Double-R, bustin’ it my nizzle.
RR: Sah-da-tay, my dammie.
TA: I love what you’ve done with your hair, it so, FABULOUS.
RR: You’re wearing a new cologne, aren’t you? It’s very musky, very potent, very “I’m going to take some weapons and screw you guys later.”
TA: Glad you like it, I wore it just for you. I love that suit, it’s very “I’d love to sing for Roxy Music.”
RR: Hey, you wanna’ watch some reruns of Death Valley Days?
TA: Queue it up, dog.
[Editor's Note: For you youngsters out there with attention spans too short to remember, Tariq Aziz was the foreign minister and deputy prime minister of Iraq when it was a "bad" country.]
From Bill Hicks:
Bill Hicks: How do we know they have weapons of mass destruction?
Gov Spokesperson: Well... uhhh... we looked at the receipt.
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