Your Own Divine Message
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Our resident belly-dancing fortune teller, Saphira, generated this one for me.
Left of Center (Turner) and Center of Center (Phelps) are screenwriters with satirical views on random headlines of the day. As one conservative Republican puts it: " me, it's not funny." and "...I think it is a bad reflection overall and frankly doesn't make me guffaw."
Check out the Church Sign Generator at and start spreading your own words of wisdom.
He's more than an icon for our times, he's the unofficial T/P mascot. And (we think) nothing could be more dichotomous than the VP showing his love. It's one of the comic ironies that defines our times.
On inauguration day in Washington DC, thousands of Republicans dressed in their finest party clothes and paid thousands of dollars to see the President's balls. It was on all the news. Or maybe they were just attending the balls, the gala celebrations of the lame duckness of their prophet and savior.
BANDA ACEH, Indonesia (AP) - The U.S. military - the largest group aiding tsunami survivors - said Thursday it will immediately begin scaling back its relief operations.
Across the country and throughout the world, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day was observed in many ways. Here are a few examples.
Neo-cons and Old-school RightsNeedless to say, I put plenty of room between the War Eagle Honda and my pickup truck. Wouldn't want to be on the losing end of a case of road rage, there.
Don't need reasons to start fights
We'll find a way to shirk the biiiilllll...
We just want to kill kill kill.
Kill kill kill...
Kill kill kill...
We just want to
Kill kill kill.
Left-wingers won't protect us.
We should put them on a bus.
We're the ones who have the wiiillll...
To stand up tall and kill kill kill.
Kill kill kill...
Kill kill kill...
Teach the children
Kill kill kill.
84 meters beneath Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC, there's a secret tunnel that runs from the Whitehouse to the Justice Department (with a small offshoot tunnel that leads to a "viewing booth" of the first floor women's bathroom at the Supreme Court -- a hold-over from the Clinton era. At John Ashcroft's request, the President hasn't had that tunnel bricked-up, yet. Now that Ashy is gone, though, it will probably be lost.) Anyway, halfway between the Whitehouse and the Justice Department, there is a small, dark conference room. Many clandestine decisions are made in that room. And last week, the following meeting took place between a high level Whitehouse official and Daniel Levin, the Acting Assistant Attorney General.
Torture is abhorrent both to American law and values and to international norms. This universal repudiation of torture is reflected in our criminal law...And contained several definitions of the word "torture," including:
... The term "torture," in United States and international usage, is usually reserved for extreme, deliberate and unusually cruel practices, for example, sustained systematic beating, application of electric currents to sensitive parts of the body, and tying up or hanging in positions that cause extreme pain.Note, did you know that a person not "acting in an official capacity" and not "intending to cause extreme pain and suffering" can't actually commit torture, according to the memo? It's true. Read it here.