Rumsfeld Predicts Low U.S. Losses in Fallujah
Here we are, three days into the seige on Fallujah, and our losses have reached at least 10 soldiers. We're not sure how many have actually been lost, since the pentagon won't release true figures because of the risk that the numbers of dead soldiers will somehow give strategic intelligence to the insurgents. Good job, general, that'll keep 'em in the dark.
10 dead in 3 days seems low to me, especially when we've grown accustomed to hearing about that many people being blown up in a single car bomb attack at a market on a normal, non-seige-waging day. Ask yourself, "Am I becoming desensitized to death tolls?"

To help you make sense of the vagueness in Rumsfeld's brand of numerology, the editors at Turner/Phelps have devised the following scale for you. Keep in mind that in his last press conference, Rummy was probably "padding" the numbers, as most plumbers and project managers tend to do when they're forced to give an estimate. In predicitng low casualties, he's implying that unforeseen events may cause the numbers to slip into the moderate levels, which to him will still be acceptable.

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