Dracula vs. America
So I picked up the new Daily Show book, America, the Book this weekend and was reading it in bed last night while my wife was reading her book club book, Dracula by Bram Stoker.
I was laughing so hard that I was shaking the bed and preventing my wife from achieving her average speed-reading of six thousand pages per minute. She barely got through the introduction when she decided to give up. After a few minutes of staring over my shoulder trying to read what was making me laugh, she commented:
"I think Bram Stoker was a bone smuggler."
Honey, I think you're right.

If you don't already have Dracula, buy it. It's a classic. Give a dead guy (or the people who continue to publish his homoerotic necrophilial prose) some money for being second to Oscar Wilde in the race to capture the "fancy lad" book reading market. And buy a copy of America, the Book. If you don't, you're not very patriotic. It has the name "America" in the title, after all. Everyone should own a copy, even the Canadians, since they are also Americans (North Americans, that is).
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