Bush to Name and Nick-name Intelligence Director
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush is naming the nation's first national intelligence director, the powerful overseer of 15 separate intelligence agencies including the CIA.
He was to reveal his choice at a White House ceremony Thursday, then immediately follow the naming with a formal Presidential nick-naming.
Among those thought to be in the running and their GW nom de Bush are:
White House homeland security adviser Fran Townsend, Kookla Fran Frannie
Army Gen. (retired) Tommy Franks, Toot-toot Tommy or Tommy "Ballpark" Franks
National Security Agency head Lt. Gen. Michael Hayden, Hey Hey Hayden
and CIA Director Porter Goss, Porta-potty Porter
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush named John Negroponte, the U.S. ambassador to Iraq, as the government's first national intelligence director Thursday, turning to a veteran diplomat to revive a spy community besieged by criticism after the Sept. 11 attacks.A total surpise to me. Bush nicknamed the new Intelligence Director, Johnny-Boy, after his advisers warned him to steer clear of any nicknames involving Negroponte's last name.